Therapy-Talk Articles

Managing stress

Stress is our response to the physiological and psychological challenges of life and the potential for change in our environment. It is caused by activation stimuli, such as fear of danger or pain, which alters the physiological order of the person.

Normally, stress can be positive when it helps us face new challenges as it unloads a number of hormones and substances in the body that makes us more alert, focused and the physical capacity increases. Given this stimulus, the person is prepared to flee or fight, then breathing quickens, your heart beats harder and sharpens the mind. When this stimulus is continuous and does not respond to a single situation, the body is constantly vigilant and causes serious physical and psychological illnesses such as heart disease, ulcers and depression.

In today's world, most people live with constant stress due to financial problems, job insecurity, displacement and the difficulty of reconciling work and family life. Therefore, it is increasingly important to take care and to be aware of the harmful effects on the body.

Recognise situations that activate the symptoms of stress:

  • The death of a partner, family member or a friend
  • Job loss or serious work problems
  • Serious financial problems
  • Change of residence, place of employment or marital status
  • An accident or serious illness
  • Being a victim of traumatic events
  • Problems with the children or family
  • Being a victim of violence or abuse
  • Legal issues, lawsuits and demands
  • Difficulties in maintaining a balance between family and work
  • Harassment and bullying in the workplace

There may be other situations, but these are the most common and its effects are cumulative. If there is one or more of these factors for a prolonged time, chronic stress can cause severe damage to the body.

Inma Romero

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